Thursday, March 6, 2014

Joseph's Diving Moment

Diving at Stingray Bay

Splash! As we dive in all of the fish shoot past us. We swim towards the current to reach a rocky reef. I tried to swim through a cave to see if a crayfish was there but I was too scared. We crawl on the reef to find a good spot to dive. As we swim fast towards the sharp rocks, the sea glides me to shore.

I wait for my uncle and dad while I’m trying to catch mullet  in a big, open rock pool. I use my red net as the mullet shoot past.
“When are they coming back?” I wonder to myself. 

“Yes!” I say. I see fins, snorkels, two orange floats and spears pop up.
“What did you guys catch?” I exclaim. 

By Joseph


  1. Wow Joseph!! I always knew that you were a fabulous writer, and this proves it. Keep up the great work and remember there is always a smelly sticker for any of your great work if you walk it across the road to show me. Mrs Z

  2. Charlotte says good writing

  3. Joseph, I love the precise verbs you choose in this piece. Great writing!

  4. Beulah says: great poem Joseph . Lots of strong verbs.

  5. Madison says wow what a piece of writing Joseph
