Wow what a busy, busy week!
So much to talk about - so many cool things going on.
Let's start from the beginning..
Cross country - what a success for V3!
Everyone in V3 ran well, all that training paid off. A special mention to Joseph, Hollie, Sofia, Olle, Jimmy and Jaymie who qualified for the Southern Zones! Wahooooo!
On Wednesday we went to the Police College - such a great experience. We got to take and analyse fingerprints, solve a mystery using clues from around the police museum, try on police gear and listened to interesting stories from criminals in the past.
On Thursday we went swimming - we are loving our learn to swim and extension programmes. Here's a pic of the diving group warming up before they get into the water!
On top of all of this exciting out of the classroom stuff, we have also been doing some great learning inside the classroom. We are currently writing beautiful character descriptions about people we care about. So far we have written about their physical and behavioural characteristics.
We have also been analysing soil and torn paper. The microscopes were a great way to look at the fibre inside the paper.
Phewf! I'm exhausted! Week 3 nearly done and dusted. This term is going tooooo fast!