Sunday, May 4, 2014

Taking and observing shoeprints

5 OF MAY 2014         V3 have learnt to tell the differences and similarities of shoe prints. 

                                      HOW TO DO THIS: 
First you need a clear work space.

Second cover your work space in flour, half a cup will do it.

Third get a peace of paper to flatten the flour.

Fourthly take off one of your shoes.

Next place your shoe gently on the flour then push firmly and take off lightly.

Finally: Compare to other shoeprints. What are the similarities? What are the differences??

By Ben and Joseph


  1. That's so cool! The flour seems to be perfect for making an imprint. I wonder if other things (like sugar) would work as well?

  2. Beulah says: I love doing stuff like this it is fun!!

  3. it was really like things like this way better than trying to draw it or something...

  4. In V2 we did this too. Mine did not work very well though.
