Monday, July 28, 2014

End of Term 2 Update

The blog slipped with such a busy end of term...
Here's a few of the MANY things that went on... 
We had a great Round 1 of tournaments - children could opt into soccer, indoor netball or basketball. There they were put into teams and had to choose managers, coaches, assistant coaches, captains, water boys and cheerleaders. Children had to run their own drills and teach each other new skills and drills. They competed in the "Tapatoru Team CUP!" - what a great event!

To finish off inquiry about energy and what food we need to fuel our bodies - we had to organise and pack our own lunch before a massive 2 and half walk! It definitely beat watching a movie on the last day!

Some children from tapatoru visit the kindy once a week and leade jump jam. The kindy kids love it! Often chanting "JUMP JAM JUMP JAM" on a Monday.

Some V3 kids had a go at making a food pyramid on the ipad..

What a treat - the Phoenix were having a training at the pool while we were there! Quite a few signatures were gained and many chats were had!

We love our Literature Circles. We take turns practicing different reading strategies when we have different roles. We practice making connections, summarising, questioning, visualising, thinking critically and building vocab.