Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Celebration of Learning - Part One and Two

Well done on a fantastic Celebration of Learning V3. Your dedication, understanding of mechanisms and effort were inspiring! 

 - One very proud teacher!!!
Click the watch on youtube button if it is not working on the blog.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Boys knee sliced as ski fail occurs.

Grainger Scott ski expert

MT RUAPEHU - On the 28th of august 2014 75 ecstatic kids rushed towards the slope expecting, hoping for a stupendous day of shredding ice. But would luck be on there side?

At 2:30 pm disaster struck as Joseph Gunderson age 11 was happily skiing down the beginner slopes, minding his own business when an out of control snowboarder spun into the path of Gunderson he collided into the snowboarder and in that split second his ski sliced his leg open.T he blood cascaded down his leg gushing like a waterfall, staining the snow a dark shade of red.

The alarm was raised almost immediately. Not too far away a snow mobile revved its engine and started rumbling toward Gundersen. Later Gundersen said "The skidoo was a great experience and I am so grateful that it came so quickly." The skidoo bounced along the snow at dizzying speeds.

Finally they arrived at the medical centre where Gundersen was quickly dealt to. Gundersen's teacher Caitlin Van Ballekom gave up her afternoon of skiing to sit in the medical centre, she later said "I am very thankful to the medical staff for stitching up Gundersen 8 stitches later he was good to go." That's it a not so perfect ending to an otherwise perfect day of snow.


                 Ski camp, a great success for most.


Great success for most!

                            Ski camp a great success for most!
Joseph having a good time!
However he did not escape the mountain with no injuries.

Everyone was having fun on the mountain!!!!
look at some of our amazing snowboarders!

We're back!

                                           Sorry for the long delay, we've been a bit busy. 
                              We will be posting more often now so check out our new posts.
                                                        Please keep looking at our blog.

Victory Park kids spell out thanks on the turf for Island Bay New World for helping us with the food on our camps.