Wednesday, September 17, 2014

V3 - Kids voting day! Check us out!


  1. That's really neat!!

  2. Wow that's so cool! We did it at our school as well. Room 9 contributed with the voting YAY! Because one vote makes a difference. I had HEAPS and I mean HEAPS of fun! When I turn 18, I'm gonna enroll to vote. WOOP WOOP! B.T.W Room 9 are getting cracking with our penpal letters. We finished nine after the day we received them! Anyways, I think voting is sooo intriguing. It was really cool to experience the voting system. Really nice to catch up on what you're learning. Our buddies did it as well!
    From the Room 9 Pen Paller

  3. Beulah says:WOW! the elections was so fun i hope we do it again next time.
