Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Everywhere we leave our mark - We left our mark on you!

One of our Deep Understandings for our Forensics inquiry is "Everywhere we go we leave our mark". We wanted to hook the children of Tapatoru Team in with a little lesson showcasing this understanding...

 We presented the kids with an amazing ball that sends out electric currents and is attracted to your hand when you touch it. We told the kids they had to figure out how it worked and that it would be on show at lunchtime. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES were they to touch it!

However, this was too tempting! And this is exactly what we had planned... This ball was left unsupervised at lunchtime but was secretly covered in glowstick. After lunch children were pulled away to the staffroom toilets in small groups.

Children were then pulled in and in a blacked out space were put under black light! We could tell pretty quickly who had touched the ball and who had not!

Here are some of criminals (with their hands up) later admitting to the crime - after we'd caught them red handed! Or purple handed as the case may be! 

What a great lesson on leaving your mark behind!


  1. That was SO cool.My Parents thought it was hilarious that I got Busted at the end!

  2. We should so have this at home. (Who ate the last chocolate? Who left the fridge open? Who left this ball on the stairs???) these things would no longer be mysteries of the universe ...

  3. Sofia it was AWESOME! I really hope we do more stuff like that throughout the year!

  4. Caitlin! You are such an awesome teacher - from Miss Matich

  5. It was so cool I really liked the blue light and I hope we do more things like this.

  6. Madison says you teachers really did trick us

  7. Madison says that was so much fun I got to agree with Miss Matich. but mabey we could play a trick on you ha ha oh gosh my evil laugh dose not work on the laptop

  8. Very cool. Ben loved it too. Should we be worried that so few of them showed self control?!! lol gill

  9. Beulah says:Hey the teachers tricked us.

  10. The criminals had an x on their hand if they had pen.

  11. Joey says: does anyone realize that we've almost got 1,500 views around here?!?

  12. Madison say that was o much fun we have to do somethink like this again

  13. jacob says: wow almost everyone was busted
